Former Catalan President Jordi Pujol and his wife Marta Ferrusola hosted a luncheon at the Majestic Hotel in Barcelona on October 10, 2005. Mr. Pujol offered some remarks regarding his view of the current challenges facing Catalonia and listened as the Balsells fellows offered their impressions and discussed their experiences as students in California and how such experiences have influenced their current professional activities in Catalonia. The luncheon was attended by approximately 20 former Balsells fellows including the first two (Sergi de Miguel and Jose Miguel Pulido) as well as by Professor Roger Rangel, Director of the California-Catalonia Engineering programs and his wife Mireia. For a picture of this event, please visit our Flickr page.

October 2005: Former President Pujol hosts luncheon with Balsells fellows.