Note: The Balsells Postdoctoral Fellowship is not being offered at the present time.
The Postdoctoral Fellowship includes a monthly stipend of approximately $4,000 per month (there are no registration costs) for one year (renewable) in The Henry Samueli School of Engineering at UC Irvine. Applicants should be completing their doctoral degree in engineering or physical sciences at a Catalan university in the year they are applying or have completed their doctoral studies within the past five years. Candidates should have excellent academic records, be Spanish citizens, permanent residents of Catalonia, and fluently speak and write English, Catalan and Spanish. A Balsells postdoctoral fellowship is for one year (12 months) normally commencing on October 1 and ending on September 30 of the following year.
Application process:
1) Identify one or more potential hosts in the school of engineering at UCI. Communicate via e-mail with potential hosts to secure the commitment of a professor at UC Irvine’s School of Engineering to serve as your host. The hosting professor must commit in writing to be your host and to contribute financially to the fellowship. This commitment is for 50% of the direct costs. Have your potential host(s) communicate with Professor Rangel for approximate amount of the cost sharing.
2) Once the commitment of a host is secured, send your C.V., your mentor’s commitment letter , and your certificate of empadronament, all in a single PDF to
For questions please contact Professor Roger H. Rangel at